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This card depicts gentle energetic forces at work. There are pebbles and rocks in the sand, maybe you feel like throwing one in to release some stress, make a splash or make a wish.
Time to reflect and renew your situation. Perhaps time to make action to free yourself from attachments that are holding you back.
Time to reflect on past situations and present conditions and prepare for the future of your needs and requirements for fulfilment and happiness.
The universe is sending you a clear message, although still open to interpretation. Love in Action!
This card could represent different things on many levels from consideration towards conservation of the environment, an ability to withstand harsh conditions, which can make us stronger and more resilient, or to reflect on life and that it will appear in all types of forms wherever there is an environment to manifest it.
Flowers can link us to feelings of pleasure and beauty, the sunflower reaches toward the sun, it uses all it’s energy to reach it’s full potential without holding back for a single moment.
Represents a reminder to take care of ourselves, eat well using fresh produce. Buy local produce to support local economy.
This image may be looked at as representing a past childhood memory. It could represent a sense of being happy and at ease, at one with life’s journey or linked to habitual feelings, revisiting the same issues. It may convey a sense of needing to escape from the stresses of modern living and rest up or find some peace.
Fish can be interpreted as representing temporal and spiritual power, combined with the reflections in the water, this symbolises calm and peace. Another concept could be a new emerging idea, plan or project in development.
The universe is sending you a clear message, although still open to interpretation. Come Closer!
The universe is sending you a clear message, although still open to interpretation. Stop Worrying!
The universe is sending you a clear message, although still open to interpretation. Listen up!
The universe is sending you a clear message, although still open to interpretation. Be Still!
Flowers can link us to feelings of pleasure and beauty, wildflowers can be looked on as natural untamed beauty. It can be an encouragement to get out and enjoy nature and soak up the energy that being in nature can give you.
Our potential and our ability to create a new for ourselves in response to our own inner urgings. Purifying our lives from everyday stress. Waves on shore /sea very often represent cosmic consciousness, inherent in that state all knowledge i.e. completeness, strong emotion & passion.
Flowers can link us to feelings of pleasure and beauty; they connect with our senses and can give us a deep sense of connectedness with nature and that which we draw life force from.
The circle symbolizes the Universe; a circle of stones with a stone in the middle can signify our entire being, both physical and spiritual. Sometimes taken to represent Woman or the essential feminine.
This image could be seen as using local resources to create something new; it could be looked on as building on local strengths in your community or your own inner strength, one step at a time. Even though stones are material things, they\'re different in nature and of nature. They have a connection to the natural world and the universe. The human spirit in this world is indeed growing weaker, and the stacking of stones is another attempt to escape the domination of mind, and re connect with our inherent universal truth.
This card could be linked to passing through a stage in life where things are not clear, could be a sense of loss or just confusion. The boat often suggests transition from confusion, maybe from worry to clarity/confidence.
Birds were believed to be connected with spirituality and robins quite often make people feel more connected to loved ones who have passed away. This can give a sense of connection, protection and love.
Leaves can suggest fertility or growth, since each leaf is unique, we may becoming aware of the beauty of creation. This can also suggest a period of self-reflection before moving to a period of growth.
Auspicious card, promises of good things to safe-haven. Seven steps of awareness, raised sense of consciousness.
Suggest faithfulness, fun-loving, youthful, or carer , having responsibility for others welfare, animal lover.
This card could suggest creativity or taking responsibility for a situation and driving it in the direction you want it to go, or reconnecting with the essential nature of life itself, going back to basics, what do we need to live, to create a fulfilled life for ourselves, independent of others or material wealth.
Sense of feeling trapped in a situation/relationship, also represents potential for abundance.
This can be about taking the correct course of action to help us achieve our goals. It can be a sign of being aware of not letting our emotions lead us into difficulties, keep a calm, and let clarity of thought emerge naturally.
Growing our own healthy fruit and vegetables is a clear message here, or buying organic. Give gratitude for life’s bounty.
Often denotes providence, maternal care and procreation. It can sometimes be linked to feminine domination. Other representations can include growth, belonging to a group, the need to be more courageous.
The links in a chain could suggest that we cannot live in isolation. Possibly this could symbolise the feeling that we need to free ourselves from something, which is holding us back from realising our full potential.
This could represent the end of a chapter in your life and the beginning of something new. It could indicate sadness over some type of loss. The sea could be viewed as being linked with the natural flow of birth, death and rebirth.
This card can represent a link to revealing your more sensuous side, usually in women or possible represents a struggle between the two sides of your nature, the helpful caring or playful side and the more selfish and devilish side.
This card represents a caring spirit who is concerned with conservation, and looking after the vulnerable. It can signify great resource for the planet and recycling with a caring spirit.
This could be seen as indicating that we are creating obstacles for ourselves, i.e. closing doors - or possibly the movement between two states of being, from having more, to being more. This could represent entry into a new phase of life or a closed door is about to open.
The bluebell wood will no doubt bring happy memories of childhood and also signifies beauty and serenity or conservation of the earth’s resources, e.g. care of the land. It can be seen as coming to terms with our emotional self, of understanding the secrets of our own nature or our own spiritual dimension.
Streams can symbolize our lives and the way that we live them, slow and gentle or fast and furious. This card represents peace and abundance and the blossom brings stature and beauty and a sense of belonging.
Seas very often represent cosmic consciousness – i.e. the original state from which all life emerges. Inherent in that state is all knowledge i.e. completeness – although that might be obscured by our fear of deep emotion; but we do not fear that which we understand. The waves may reflect turbulence or flowing energy and tides of fortune on the change for the better.
The leaves of a tree can indicate the way we communicate with the rest of the world. Trees can be looked on as the union of heaven, earth and water. When we come to understand our own tree (self) we are able to live successfully on all levels.
This image can be looked on as bringing humour and laughter into your life or using art and nature to enhance your state of wellbeing.
Flowers can link us to feelings of pleasure and beauty, the snowdrop could be seen as representing hope or renewal, a fresh beginning or the natural rhythm of life.
Birds were believed to be the vehicles of the soul; as a result birds were invested with magical and mystical powers. The owl is often thought to represent wisdom.
Flowers are often seen as signifying love and compassion, that we give to others and that we receive. Different flowers can have different symbolism – the daisy can be taken to represent wakefulness and awareness.
The need to consider the importance of biodiversity, our life depends on all other lives to maintain balance. Could be seen as having a very busy life or this is an opportunity of building good fortune by living a life of contribution – why not try random acts of kindness on others?
Lavender most commonly symbolizes love, devotion and purity and also opportunity and new adventures in the air. A bench symbolizes sitting it out, or observing the action. Not participating, but sitting back and reflecting; resting awhile.
This image can be viewed on many levels – Engi or interconnectedness of life, knowing that we do not live in isolation – our actions are linked to others and to our environment. Nature’s beauty or the World Wide Web (www). Could it be a tangled web we weave…?